Let's Chat Packing Tips

Packing...you either love it or you hate it. There is no way around it. If you are the traveling kind, then packing is one of those tasks just like making your bed. It has to get done. I personally love to pack. I love creating outfits and thinking about what I am going to do that day when I wear that outfit. But unpacking, oh man, I do not enjoy that at all.
Let's get into the tips:
1- Pack the heaviest items like books, hair tools and shoes near the bottom of the suitcase, towards the wheels, because that will prevent your suitcase from being top heavy.
2- Are you into the rolling method? When packing the clothing, you should roll your items to save space. For Shirts, lay them face down on the floor, fold the sleeves in and start from the bottom and roll up. For pants, fold them in half, start from the waist and roll towards the ankle.
3- Think about the activities you will be doing and the outfits you want to wear. While keeping in mind about the weather, certain fabrics are better for packing than others. Woven's like cotton & linen will wrinkle, but a blend with spandex or a knit will lose the wrinkles once they are hung.
4- I like to create outfits when packing. Then narrow down before it goes into my bag. If you select items and lay them out in terms of outfits instead of just a bunch of tops and bottoms it will make getting dressed easier!
5 - Think about what you are going to do after you arrive at your destination and plan your travel outfit accordingly. Normally I will wear leggings, a longer comfy shirt and then a denim jacket or sweatshirt. This works for me because I have an extra layer if I get cold and then I don't have to worry about the jacket taking up prime real estate space in my suitcase.
6 - Lastly HAVE FUN! Remember that if you forget something, you can always buy it when you get to where you are going. You took this time away for a reason so try and relax!